
5 Important Things about Prayer at Westchester Chapel

We believe that God loves it when His people speak to Him in prayer.  We believe God works through our prayers, and we see answers all the time. We always pray for God’s will to be done and often He does it in unexpected ways. We remember He is God and we are not, so we pray our desires, but ultimately look for His answer in His time.

We know God has immense love for us and because of this, He invites us to bring Him our needs—large and small. It’s normal during our community prayer time to be asking for God to heal a sickness, give wisdom through a difficult circumstance, protect a family as they travel on vacation, or help a student during finals.

We pray for individual needs all the time. Like the early church, we believe that one of the most powerful ways to connect with God is to pray as a church community. This happens at nearly every event, we delight to pray for one another and to worship the Lord through prayer.

As we gather for Bible studies, friendship groups, or as ministry teams gather to serve in the church, we often do “Praise and Prayer”—a simple way to give thanks to God and then ask the community to pray for a need.

Most importantly, Jesus is our model for how, when, and what to pray! He often withdrew to quiet places to pray to His Father. He prayed in public, in homes, and in fields. He prayed before feeding the multitudes; for forgiveness for those putting Him to death on a cross. In fact, His final words to His Father on earth were a prayer. Even now, the Bible says that Jesus is interceding for us in Heaven (Hebrews 11:9 and Romans 8:34)!